`http_status` Dart Package: A Comprehensive Guide
Dart Package: A Comprehensive Guide
provides convenient static constants representing all HTTP status codes defined in RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0), RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1), and RFC 2518 (WebDAV).Clarity: Each constant offers a clear name (e.g.,
), making it easy to understand the meaning of a status code at a glance.Information: Constants also provide a concise description of the status code, which can be helpful in debugging or understanding API responses.
Code | Http Status Name | Http Status (v1.x - v2.x Deprecated) | Http Status (v2.x - v3.x) |
100 | Continue | Continue / CONTINUE | continue_ |
101 | Switching Protocols | Switching_Protocols / SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS | switchingProtocols |
102 | Processing | Processing / PROCESSING | processing |
103 | Early Hints | - | earlyHints |
200 | OK | Ok / OK | ok |
201 | Created | Created / CREATED | created |
202 | Accepted | Accepted / ACCEPTED | accepted |
203 | Non Authoritative Information | NonAuthoritative_Information / NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION | nonAuthoritativeInformation |
204 | No Content | No_Content / NO_CONTENT | noContent |
205 | Reset Content | Reset_Content / RESET_CONTENT | resetContent |
206 | Partial Content | Partial_Content / PARTIAL_CONTENT | partialContent |
207 | Multi-Status | MultiStatus / MULTISTATUS | multiStatus |
208 | Already Reported | Already_Reported / ALREADY_REPORTED | alreadyReported |
226 | I'M Used | IM_Used / IM_USED | imUsed |
300 | Multiple Choices | Multiple_Choices / MULTIPLE_CHOICES | multipleChoices |
301 | Moved Permanently | Moved_Permanently / MOVED_PERMANENTLY | movedPermanently |
302 | Found / Moved Temporarily | Found / Moved_Temporarily / FOUND / MOVED_TEMPORARILY | found / movedTemporarily |
303 | See Other | See_Other / SEE_OTHER | seeOther |
304 | Not Modified | Not_Modified / NOT_MODIFIED | notModified |
305 | Use Proxy | Use_Proxy / USE_PROXY | useProxy |
307 | Temporary Redirect | Temporary_Redirect / TEMPORARY_REDIRECT | temporaryRedirect |
308 | Permanent Redirect | Permanent_Redirect / PERMANENT_REDIRECT | permanentRedirect |
400 | Bad Request | Bad_Request / BAD_REQUEST | badRequest |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized / UNAUTHORIZED | unauthorized |
402 | Payment Required | Payment_Required / PAYMENT_REQUIRED | paymentRequired |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden / FORBIDDEN | forbidden |
404 | Not Found | Not_Found / NOT_FOUND | notFound |
405 | Method Not Allowed | Method_Not_Allowed / METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | methodNotAllowed |
406 | Not Acceptable | Not_Acceptable / NOT_ACCEPTABLE | notAcceptable |
407 | Proxy Authentication Required | Proxy_Authentication_Required / PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | proxyAuthenticationRequired |
408 | Request Timeout | Request_Timeout / REQUEST_TIMEOUT | requestTimeout |
409 | Conflict | Conflict / CONFLICT | conflict |
410 | Gone | Gone / GONE | gone |
411 | Length Required | Length_Required / LENGTH_REQUIRED | lengthRequired |
412 | Precondition Failed | Precondition_Failed / PRECONDITION_FAILED | preconditionFailed |
413 | Request Entity Too Large | Payload_Too_Large / PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE / Request_Entity_Too_Large / REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE | requestEntityTooLarge |
414 | Request-URI Too Long | RequestURI_Too_Long / REQUESTURI_TOO_LONG / Request_Uri_Too_Long / REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG | requestUriTooLong |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | Unsupported_Media_Type / UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | unsupportedMediaType |
416 | Requested Range Not Satisfiable | Requested_Range_Not_Satisfiable / REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE | requestedRangeNotSatisfiable |
417 | Expectation Failed | Expectation_Failed / EXPECTATION_FAILED | expectationFailed |
418 | I'm a teapot | - | imATeapot |
419 | Insufficient Space on Resource | - | insufficientSpaceOnResource |
420 | Method Failure | - | methodFailure |
421 | Misdirected Request | Misdirected_Request / MISDIRECTED_REQUEST | misdirectedRequest |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | Unprocessable_Entity / UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | unprocessableEntity |
423 | Locked | Locked / LOCKED | locked |
424 | Failed Dependency | Failed_Dependency / FAILED_DEPENDENCY | failedDependency |
426 | Upgrade Required | Upgrade_Required / UPGRADE_REQUIRED | upgradeRequired |
428 | Precondition Required | Precondition_Required / PRECONDITION_REQUIRED | preconditionRequired |
429 | Too Many Requests | Too_Many_Requests / TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | tooManyRequests |
431 | Request Header Fields Too Large | Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large / REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE | requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge |
444 | Connection Closed Without Response | Connection_Closed_Without_Response / CONNECTION_CLOSED_WITHOUT_RESPONSE | connectionClosedWithoutResponse |
451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons | Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons / UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS | unavailableForLegalReasons |
499 | Client Closed Request | Client_Closed_Request / CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST | clientClosedRequest |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal_Server_Error / INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | internalServerError |
501 | Not Implemented | Not_Implemented / NOT_IMPLEMENTED | notImplemented |
502 | Bad Gateway | Bad_Gateway / BAD_GATEWAY | badGateway |
503 | Service Unavailable | Service_Unavailable / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | serviceUnavailable |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Gateway_Timeout / GATEWAY_TIMEOUT | gatewayTimeout |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | HTTP_Version_Not_Supported / HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED | httpVersionNotSupported |
506 | Variant Also Negotiates | Variant_Also_Negotiates / VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES | variantAlsoNegotiates |
507 | Insufficient Storage | Insufficient_Storage / INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE | insufficientStorage |
508 | Loop Detected | Loop_Detected / LOOP_DETECTED | loopDetected |
510 | Not Extended | Not_Extended / NOT_EXTENDED | notExtended |
511 | Network Authentication Required | Network_Authentication_Required / NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | networkAuthenticationRequired |
599 | Network Connect Timeout Error | Network_Connect_Timeout_Error / NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR | networkConnectTimeoutError |
A library for debugging and displaying http status codes. Includes 63 status codes, messages and desciptions sourced from the official spec https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc723 and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/
Key Features
Clean API: The interface is straightforward and intuitive, simplifying the use of status codes in your Dart applications.
Readability: Constant names and descriptions enhance code clarity and maintainability.
Type Safety: Static constants prevent typos and accidental use of incorrect status codes.
Completeness: Extensive coverage of HTTP status codes ensures reliable handling of various response scenarios.
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