Dart - Use late allocation if possible
Dart v2.9 added the late modifier on variables.
When Null Safety is enabled, it is sometimes necessary to explicitly state that we will initialize a non-null variable later. Dart cannot always assume that a variable will be initialized later, as in the case of high-level variables. The following example would throw an error in Dart.
This can be used in the following two cases.
Late assign: promise to assign later
Late lazy: Initializing a variable will be later.
Late assign
Promise of late assignment for the migration of your project to Null Safey
Sometimes it is necessary to explicitly state that we will initialize a non-null variable later. Dart cannot always assume that a variable will be initialized later, as in the case of high-level variables.
The following example, if the variable is not initialized before using it would throw an error in the project with Null Safey in Dart:
class Team {
String name;
void main(List<String> args) {
Team team: Team();
team.name: 'Flutter';
Uncaught Error: LateInitializationError: Field 'name' has not been initialized.
In this case, we are sure that we will initialize the variable, so we can tell Dart with the reservation keyword late.
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